A nice bouquet to pick

One bouquet that is very popular with many people is the classic pick bouquet. A picking bouquet is actually another name for a field bouquet. A picking bouquet consists of flowers of different heights. Different types of flowers are used. So you have a number of highlights in between, but also some finer flowers that complete the bouquet. At Regionsflorist, we treat every bouquet with great care. So you always get the most beautiful bouquets and can rely on fresh flowers. We offer you a freshness guarantee of 7 days on our picking bouquets.

Order a picking bouquet

Ordering a bouquet from Regionsflorist is easy. Our range speaks for itself and a lot is possible. In addition, our flowers are always of high quality. So you can be sure that when you order a bouquet from us, you will receive a beautiful bouquet. With a bouquet you always have the opportunity to order an additional greeting card. This makes giving flowers even more fun.

An original bouquet

Of course, if you want to surprise someone with a bouquet of flowers, you don't want to be the umpteenth in line to give away the same flowers. That is why we at Regionsflorist ensure that you really receive or can give away a unique bouquet. You can also add a gift to your order. For example, it is possible to order a vase with the bouquet. You can also choose a cute little bear for yourself. A regional florist gift is fun and original.

Delivery of the picking bouquet

We always deliver a picking bouquet with care. It is therefore possible to order the bouquet directly today and receive it quickly. In addition, you can easily specify a desired day with us. For example, on a birthday it is nice if the flowers are actually delivered on that day. We take this into account and make sure that delivery is as easy as possible. Regionsflorist is the right partner for you when it comes to flowers. Do not wait any longer and take a look at our wide range!