Brighten up any occasion with this vibrant and cheerful bouquet consisting of beautiful orange flowers. Perfect for autumn, this thoughtful arrangement is sure to put a smile on anyone's face. It is an excellent choice for birthdays, thank you gestures or simply to brighten someone's day. Let this thoughtful gift express your warm wishes and bring joy to your recipient.
This bouquet is professionally made by trained florists in our own workshop. We tie the bouquets with the photographed number of flowers. Please note: flowers are a natural product. Our "Seasonal Bouquets" come in the chosen colours with flowers depending on seasonal availability. Each flower is unique. Their appearance may differ in colour and shape from the one on the photo. The vase in the photo is not included in the price, but can be booked with the order.
The delivery time of DHL is 1-2 working days. We ship 1 business day before your chosen delivery date. In case of a delay at DHL, delivery can take 2 or more days. The selected delivery date is not a guarantee. In 97% of all cases DHL can deliver within one business day. On islands or border areas it often takes 2 working days or longer as standard.
Many bouquets are available in: small has an average size of 20-25 cm; normal: means an average size of 25-30 cm and large: represents 30-35 cm. Funeral bouquets excepted